
曼顿培训网(www.mdpxb.com),是北京曼顿企业管理咨询有限公司(以下简称北京曼顿咨询)旗下网站。是总部位于美国的国际职业认证标准联合会在北京地区授权的培训考试及认证单位[认证号:IOCL086132],同时也是 香港培训认证中心授权的培训认证机构[认证号:HKTCC(GZ)A1.. 招生资质: 已认证
学校优势: 企业内训方面/公开课方面
咨询电话: 13810210257
2018/11/5 9:42:28 来源:北京曼顿企业管理咨询有限公司 [加入收藏]

【举办单位】北京曼顿培训网 www.mdpxb.com 中国培训资讯网 www.e71edu.com
【咨询电话】4006820825 010-56133998 13810210257

2、作为致力于打造企业持续竞争力的总经理/业务部门负责人,如何全面了解企业作为组织的管理层面?如何从企业组织 -流程层次-人才层次这三个层次对企业可持续的卓越业绩进行有效的管理和领导?


企业组织业务战略--> 核心流程识别--> 人才战略与团队运行

Day One 第一天
1. What is strategic organization development? 什么是战略性组织发展?

2. Corporate organization lifecycle and development 组织生命周期与其发展中的特点
a) How to understand the organization development from the view point of organization lifecycle从组织生命周期来看组织发展
b) Corporate developing process and characters in different stages公司发展历程与各阶段特点分析

3. Three-dimensions for organization diagnose and design (organization/process/talent): interaction and impacts among corporate management decision, client market and suppliers组织诊断与设计的三个层次(组织/流程/人):企业管理决策与客户市场、供应商三个层次的互动与重要影响

4. How to the bridge the gap between corporate business target and organization & talent strategy? : process and methods for organization diagnose and evaluation 如何消除企业业绩发展要求与企业组织战略和人才战略的差距?:组织诊断与评估的流程与方法
a) Process and key points in organization diagnose and evaluation组织诊断与评估的流程及各流程阶段的关注要点
b) Data collection and analysis for organization development and management数据收集与分析
c) Action plan and improvement with case study行动改善示例
d) How to give feedback to the results of diagnose and evaluation如何做诊断与评估结果的反馈

5-1. Dimension One for organization diagnose and design – organization level: how to achieve sustainable high performance and development with management tools and strategic planning组织诊断与设计的第一层次 - 组织层次:授课+小组讨论+案例分析——如何通过管理工具和战略规划实现企业绩效持续发展?
a) Diagnose and evaluation model and key factors on organization level组织层次的设计与评估模型与要素
b) Management tools on organization level (5-force analysis, SWOT, BCG Matrix, Organization Framework Design Model, Balanced Scorecard )组织层次评估的管理工具(五力分析/SWOT 分析/BCG 矩阵/组织架构设计模型/平衡计分卡)
c) Management methods and practices for corporate organization (Strategic Planning, Turnaround, M&A, Downsizing)企业组织的管理方法与实践(战略规划/重大组织改造/兼并与收购/裁员)
d) Case sharing – a strategic plan of a multinational Fortune 500 enterprise案例——某500 强公司战略规划案例分析
e) Dimension and process of organization development and design组织发展与设计的维度与流程
f) The conditions of use and advantages Vs. disadvantages of the different types of organization structure不同型态组织架构的利弊分析及其使用条件
g) Case sharing – a case on organization change in a company案例——某公司组织变革实例分析
h) Review on main points in organization design组织设计要点回顾

Day Two第二天
5-2. Dimension Two for organization diagnose and design – process level: how to enhance the efficiency of corporate process management through resource allocation and performance management (to improve the quality of corporate products and services, productivity and team cooperation)? 组织诊断与设计的第二层次 - 流程层次:授课+小组讨论+案例分析——如何通过资源配置和流程绩效管理实现企业流程管理的高效性(提高企业产品和服务质量、生产率和团队协作)?
a) Diagnose and evaluation model and key factors on process level: process analysis and design, role and responsibility, overall quality management流程层次的诊断模型与评估要素:流程梳理与设计,职责与角色,全面质量管理
b) Process management in different stage of organization development: how to achieve outstanding operation management (cost saving, time shortening, improve cross functional inter-department cooperation ) 组织发展不同阶段的流程管理:如何实现卓越运营管理(降低成本,缩短时间,提高跨部门协作能力)
c) Assessment - how about the corporate current process management? 测评——目前公司流程管理现状分析
d) How to have the core process matching for key business problems? (from the management role’s responsibility, client needs to organization target) 关键业务问题与核心流程的匹配(从管理职责、客户需求到组织目标)
e) Nine steps for process improvement and coaching tools (Fishbone Diagram, Flow Chart and Gantt Chart)流程改善九步曲及其辅导工具(鱼骨图/流程图/甘特图等)

5-3. Dimension Three for organization diagnose and design – talent level (team performance management): How to improve your team performance?
组织诊断与设计的第三层次 - 人的层次(团队绩效管理):授课+小组讨论+案例分析——如何提高团队绩效?
a) Diagnose model and key factors for talent level (team management) 人的层次(团队方面)的诊断模型与评估要素
b) Assessment – analysis and solutions on your team management: team target, effective communication, role and responsibility and decision process? 测评——目前团队的管理现状分析与解决方案
c) 高效团队的形成阶段与对应的辅导方法 High efficiency team formation stage and the corresponding guidance method

5-4. Dimension Three for organization diagnose and design – talent level (individual staff management): How to improve your team member’s performance? 组织诊断与设计的三个层次-人的层次(个体):授课+小组讨论+案例分析——如何提高员工绩效?
a) Diagnose model and key factors for talent level (staff management) 人的层次(个体方面)的诊断模型与评估要素
b) Organization design and role setting组织设计与岗位设计
c) Assessment – analysis and solutions on your team members测评——目前人员管理现状分析
d) Case sharing and study – a case on talent strategy and plan管理实践案例分享——人才战略规划

6. Corporate/organization culture: how to build up and develop a culture matching for your corporate organization development? 组织文化的形成与发展 ——如何构建适合企业组织发展的文化?
a) The formation and development of corporate/organization culture in the view of corporate/organization lifecycle 从企业组织生命周期来看组织文化的形成、发展与构建
b) How to build up and development corporate/organization culture with the three dimensions of organization, process and staff从组织、流程和人的三个层次来看组织文化的形成、发展与构建

7. Challenges and future trend of strategic organization development战略性组织发展的未来与挑战

8. Coaching for business leaders and HR business partner with role-play and must-have skills: how to promote your ability of corporate management and decision-making业务负责人与业务合作伙伴在战略性组织发展(OD)中的角色与必备能力——Coaching:如何提升您对企业管理和决策的能力?
a) How to play role well as business leaders and business partners?业务负责人与合作伙伴的角色
b) Assessment – how about your abilities which are must have as a business leader or HR business partner? 测评——业务负责人与HR业务合作伙伴必备能力现状分析
c) Personal action plan个人行动计划制定

9. Q&A

邓涛老师,曼顿培训网(www.mdpxb.com)资深讲师。邓涛先生于1984年加入美国惠普公司在华的合资公司开始其人力资源的职业生涯,并在中国惠普公司工作近 11 年。随后,又先后在多家不同行业的跨国公司从事人力资源的领导工作。如马士基航运公司人力资源总监,美国联信(中国)投资有限公司大中国区人力资源总监,阿斯利康制药有限公司人力资源副总裁,美国惠而浦公司亚太区人力资源副总裁,谷歌大中国区人力资源总监。 其授课对象包括雅培、先正达、汉高、飞利浦、住友制药、雅诗兰黛、安利、舍弗勒、博世、道达尔、家乐福、东风汽车、可口可乐、大陆汽车、联邦快递、IBM、道康宁、斯伦贝谢、丹佛斯、中石化等多家世界500强、跨国企业及境内知名公司。

2、报名咨询:4006820825 010-56133998 56028090 13810210257 鲍老师
5、详细资料请访问北京曼顿培训网:www.mdpxb.com (每月在全国开设四百多门公开课,欢迎报名学习)

